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Confidence and Martial Arts

Children that have behavioral issues are excellent candidates for enrollment into a martial art school. The child’s life will change dramatically from class sessions that teach children about the art’s philosophical history. Your child will lose aggressive tendencies to act out towards others. They will learn to respect and have better self-control. Many students consume…Continue Reading »

Bullying and Martial Arts

A child beating up on each other has always been a problem since the school system first started. Many children in school today just don’t have the physical capability to deal with a larger student who picks on them. This leads to that student not wanting to attend school each day. The student knows the…Continue Reading »

Discipline and Martial Arts

Enrolling your children into a martial art school can help them grow in a variety of ways. Some studies suggest that children suffering from attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can have a huge success rate with discipline and concentration by learning martial art skills. Learning any martial art requires the student to pay attention to the…Continue Reading »

Discipline and Martial Arts

Bullying is a nationwide epidemic occurring throughout all grade levels in schools across the entire United States. The effects on children can negatively impact their wellbeing. Not only can these effects be emotionally damaging to a child but also long-lasting. As parents of school-aged children, you can help disrupt the course of torment and intimidation…Continue Reading »

How Martial Arts Training Boosts Confidence

Martial arts is essentially the study of self-defense. There are a number of different disciplines to choose from when you decide to study it. Some of the most popular options include karate, jujitsu, and taekwondo. Many people worry about putting their children into martial arts, fearing it will be dangerous or encourage fighting. However, the…Continue Reading »

Enter the Dojo, Exit the Bullying

Bullying is a serious problem being faced in schools today. More than one in four students report being the victims of bullying. Sadly, the pain of being bullied does not end when the aggressive act concludes. The psychological effects can be long-lasting. Parents want to help protect their children, but they usually can’t be in…Continue Reading »

How Training in Martial Arts Develops Confidence and Discipline

Many parents find it hard to relate to the many avenues of possible entertainment going into their kids’ lives. Today, television has to compete with streaming services, mobile games, and various devices that seek children’s undivided attention. This only gets worse as they go into their teenage years and their sources of entertainment broaden. Because…Continue Reading »

Confidence and Martial Arts

A child’s confidence can be a very fragile thing. It takes a very long time to build up, but only moments to completely break down. If you have a child that’s dealing with poor self-esteem or bullying, you might be frantically searching for a way to build your child back up before despair can talk…Continue Reading »

How Martial Arts Can Prevent Bullying

More and more, parents are hearing about the grave news of bullying in schools. For children who are victims of it, the experience can stick with them for the rest of their life. They may become depressed, anxious, and they may develop confidence issues that follow them into adulthood. Understandably, parents are concerned that their…Continue Reading »

Discipline and Martial Arts

Self-discipline isn’t something that comes naturally to most children. No matter how hard you might try as a parent, you’ll find that actually teaching a child this skill requires a great deal of outside intervention. Martial arts have long been considered an excellent tool for helping children learn the confidence and discipline necessary for becoming…Continue Reading »